
Education Degrees

  • University of Salzburg, GEOBIA Summer School. | 2020
  • University de Chile, Diploma in Applied Geomatics. | 2015
  • University de Chile, Renewable Natural Resources Engineering. | 2015
    Tesis: Spectral Signatures of Urban Vegetation in Santiago, Chile: Characterization and Separability of Species at Leaf Scale.
  • University de Chile, Bachelor's in Sciences of Natural Resources. | 2013
  • University de Chile, Higher Secondary School in Exacts and Naturals Sciences. | 2010


Journal Articles

  • Garaba, S. P., Acuña-Ruz, T., and Mattar, C. B.: Hyperspectral longwave infrared reflectance spectra of naturally dried algae, anthropogenic plastics, sands and shells, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 2665–2678,, 2020.

  • Urbina, M. A., Luna-Jorquera, G., Thiel, M., Acuña-Ruz, T., Amenábar Cristi, M. A., Andrade, C., Ahrendt, C., Castillo,C., Chevallier, A., Cornejo-D’Ottone, M., Correa-Araneda, F.,Duarte, C., Fernández, C., Galbán-Malagón, C., Godoy, C.,González-Aravena, M., I. A., H., Jorquera, A., Kiessling, T., Lardies, M. A., Lenzi, J., C., M. B., Munizaga, M.,Olguín-Campillay, N., Perez-Venegas, D. J., Portflitt-Toro,M., Pozo, K., Pulgar, J., and Vargas, E.: A country’s response to tackling plastic pollution in aquatic ecosystems: TheChilean way, Aquat. Conserv.: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst., 1–22,, 2020

  • Acuña-Ruz, T., Mattar B., C (2020): Thermal infrared spectral database of marine litter debris in Archipelago of Chiloé, Chile. PANGAEA,

  • Acuña-Ruz, T., Mattar, C., Uribe, D. & Taylor R., Merrill, J., Martínez P., Voisin, L. 2018. Anthropogenic marine debris over beaches: Spectral characterization for remote sensing applications. Remote Sensing of Environment. DOI
  • Acuña-Ruz, T., Mattar, C. & Hernández, H.J. 2016. Spectral Characterization of Quillaja Saponaria (Mol.). Revista de Teledetección Española. Valencia, España. Access
  • Acuña, M.P., Vukasovic, M.A., Hernandez, J., Acuña-Ruz, T., Estades, C. 2019. Effects of the surrounding landscape on waterbird populations in estuarine ecosystems of central Chile. Wetlands Ecology and Management. USA. Access

Congress and Workshop Presentation

  • 2020 - _GIforum. Salzburg, Austria. Acuña-Ruz T, Marzia Gabriele, Alexandra Jarna. Quantifying the coastal area covered by Anthropogenic Marine Debris with a RS and OBIA approach: the Chiloé case study (Chile)

  • 2019 - XXIIII World Energy Congress. Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. José Cáceres, Acuña-Ruz T. 2019. SolarTracker: Solar monitoring Software for solar industry. WEC24

  • 2018 - Workshop about hiperspectral images process and spectral signatures. Acuña-Ruz, T. Hiperspectral Library of AMD Plastics. AMTC-UCHILE. Santiago, Chile.

  • 2018 - WaterCongress. García-Bartolomei, E. Acuña-Ruz, T., Orrego, R., Hengst, M., Valenzuela, F., Mattar, C., Guiñez, R. & Barra, R. Monitoreo satelital de floraciones algales nocivas: gestión del riesgo sobre plantas desalinizadoras. Santiago, Chile.

  • 2018 Scientific Groups Meeting for London Convention and Protocol. Anthropogenic Marine Debris and Remote Sensing: Towards a new challenge for Sustainability. Mattar, C., Acuña-Ruz T, Uribe D., Amézquita, L., Taylor, R. Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 2018 - XXXVIII Congress of Marine Science. Amézquita, L., Mattar. C., Acuña-Ruz T, Uribe D., Taylor, R. Hacia la gestion de los recursos antropogenicos marinos en Chile, el caso de Chiloé. Valdivia, Chile.

  • 2017 - XXXVII Congress of Marine Science. Uribe D., Acuña-Ruz T, Amézquita, L., Taylor R. & Mattar C. Digital classification of expanded polystyrene using a high resolution images in Chiloé. Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 2017 - I Reunión IALE-Chile. M.P. Acuña, Acuña-Ruz T., M. A. Vukasovi, Hernández H.J., C.F. Estades. Dependencia de las aves acuáticas a los paisajes circundantes de los ambientes estuarinos en Chile central. Valparaíso, Chile.

  • 2016 - XXIII ISPRS. Hernández, H.J., Acuña-Ruz, T., Reyes, P., Torres, M., Figueroa, E. How much carbon is store in desert? An approach for Chilean Atacama desert using LANDSAT-8 products. Praga, Czech Republic.

  • 2016 - III Latin American Remote Sensing. Acuña-Ruz, T., Mattar C. & Hernández H.J. Cadastre of Spectral Signatures of Urban Vegetation in Santiago de Chile. Santiago, Chile.

Academic Experience

2017Assistant Professor in Diploma on handling SAR satellite images. Intended for GIS group of SERNAGEOMIN. University of Aysén
2016Assistant Professor in Diploma / Workshop / Consultancy on handling and correction of satellite images. Intended for GIS group of SERNAGEOMIN. University of Chile.
2016Assistant Professor in Workshop Handling of Images in R. Intended for the Geographic Information System group of CONAF, Chile. University of Chile.
2016Assistant Professor in Hyperspectral and Lidar Workshops. Diploma in Applied Geomatics, University of Chile.
2016Assistant Professor in "Workshop on Processing of Hyperspectral Images with R-Project: Urban land coverage of the municipality of La Reina". III Latin American Remote Sensing Week LARS 2016, Santiago Chile
2014-16Chair Assistant in courses of Remote Sensing, Workshop of Apply of Remote Sensing, Calculus, Applied Statistics. Career of Engineering in Renewable Natural Resources. Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Chile.
2015Assistant Professor in course of Geographic Information System. Master of Soil and Water Management, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, University of Chile.
2011-2015Projects Coordinator: "Towards a sustainable management of JGM Campus: Educational Path in the Arts Faculty". Funded by Min. of Education, Chile.

Employment Experience

2020Web Developer of Pollution in Aysén Chile . Web application for data of air pollution visualization.
2019Web Developer of Explorador Antártico: Monitoreo Satelital. Web application for Exploring +100 years of Antarctic land surface temperature anomalies.
2019Data Analyst of SolarTracker. Director of technology of I+D+i in solar plant solutions.
2019API Web & Data Analyst of AgroSpace. Chief technology in satellite products for agro-industry like vegetation index, stres indicators, biomass productions.
2019Data Analyst and director of BloomAlert. Marine monitoring for desalinization industry for a sustainable productions.
2017Workshop and capacitation of the Portal GEOPRADS. Intended for the PROLESUR, Farmers, Water and Milk enterprises, Agriculture National Service. Purranque, Chile.
2017Workshop about Prediction of Debris (“PreDes-Chiloé”). Intended to national services and aquaculture enterprises. Puerto Montt, Chile.
2016-17Project Engineer in “PreDes-Chiloé”: Anthropogenic Marine Debris Prediction with Remote Sensing Imagery (Landsat, Sentinels, Worldview II; Pleiades). Funded by the Sustainability and Climat Change Agency, CORFO, Chile. University of Chile
2016-17Research and Web App Developer in GeoPrads: Geospatial model for Pasture Growth Monitoring based in Satellite Information. Framework: Shiny & Leaflet R package. Funded by the Foundation by Agric. Innovation, X Region, Chile. University of Chile.
2016Research Assistant: Support, management and systematization of Remote Sensing and Meteorological Station data for calibration and validation activities. “FONDECYT-Iniciación. Ref. 11130359” CONICYT. University of Chile.
2016Cartography and SIG Assistant, project: “Del Campo a la Feria: El Camino Corto”. Data and maps of farmers in Santiago. Funded by the Foundation for Agric. Innovation, X Region, Chile. University of Chile.
2015-16Research Assistant in Andes Wetland Project: Acquisition and process of data to monitor a highland Andes wetland with high spatial resolution images of Worldview II. Faculty of Forest Sciences and Nature Conservation, University of Chile.
2015Research Assistant in “Ecosystem Services Maps of Biomass in the Tarápaca Región”. Acquisition, process and analysis of data. Funded by Innovation Fund for Competitiveness. II Region, Chile. University of Chile
2014-15Computer Assistant in the project "Models to improve the production and environmental sustainability of corn cultivation". Creation of VBA Software: "Crop Fertility Model". Funded by Innovation for Competitiveness, X Region, Chile. University of Chile
2014Professional Practice at the Applied Ecology Center (CEA). "Development of method to acquire spectral signatures of urban vegetation through field spectroscopy". Santiago, Chile.

Softwares and Coding Skills

  • Ubuntu & Windows.
  • Google Cloud Computing: Storage, BigQuery,
  • QGIS, ENVI, Google Earth Engine, Adobe, Microsoft.
  • Git, R, Python, HTML, Markdown-


  • Primary: Spanish.
  • Secondary: English TOEFL Certificate.


Other Interests

  • MOOC: Monitoring Climate From Space - FutureLearn – ESA
  • MOOC: Data Science Specialization - Coursera - Johns Hopkins University
  • Sports: I like to travel to open sites and do trekking. Fully motivated with free diving style too.
  • Description: I'm a practical and self-taught person who likes challenging tasks, given my best to resolve daily troubles, with a broad perspective and with full capacity of leadership working.